+2 UNIT 5 PAGE- 2
The molar conductivity, Lm of electrolytes increases with increase in dilution till a limiting value Lmo is obtained at infinite dilution. In this limit, the positive and negative ions may be thought of as behaving essentially independent of each other. Based up on his exhaustive experimental studies, Kohlrausch gave a generalisation, which is known as Kohlrausch law. It states that at infinite dilution, when the dissociation of the electrolyte is complete, each ion makes a definite contribution towards the molar conductivity of electrolyte, irrespective of the nature of the other ion with which it is associated.
This implies that the molar conductivity of an electrolyte at infinite dilution can be expressed as the sum of the contributions from its individual ions. If l+o and l-o represent the molar conductivities of cation and anion respectively at infinite dilution, then the molar conductivity of electrolyte at infinite dilution Lmo is given by :

where n+ and n- represent the number of positive and negative ions furnished by each formula unit of the electrolyte.
For example :
i) One formula unit NaCl furnishes one Na+ and one Cl- ion, therefore,

ii) One formula unit of BaCl2 furnishes one Ba2+ and two Cl- ions. Therefore,

iii) One formula unit of Na2SO4 furnishes two Na+ ions and one SO42- ions, therefore ,

In terms Of Equivalent Conductance , Kohlrausch's Law is stated as :
The equivalent conductance of an electrolyte at infinite dilution is the sum of two values - one depending on the cation and other depending on anion.
Mathematically ,
L0eq = l0c + l0a
where l0c and l0a are called the ionic conductances at infinite dilution for cation and anion respectively.
The ionic conductivities at infinite dilution for some ions at 298 K are given in the following Table.
Ionic conductivities at Infinite dilution at 298 K
Cation | l0(S cm2 mol-1) | Anion | l0(Scm2 mol-1) |
H+ | 349.6 | OH- | 199.1 |
K+ | 73.5 | Cl- | 76.3 |
Na+ | 50.1 | Br- | 78.1 |
Ag+ | 61.9 | I- | 76.80 |
NH4+ | 53.0 | NO3- | 71.40 |
Cu2+ | 108.0 | CH3COO- | 40.90 |
Mg2+ | 106.0 | SO42- | 160.0 |
Applications of Kohlrausch’s law
Some of the important applications of Kohlrausch's law are :
i. Calculation of Molar conductivities of weak electrolytes at infinite dilution
Lm0 for weak electrolytes cannot be obtained directly by the extrapolation of plot of Lm versus ÖC .The limiting molar conductivities of weak electrolytes, Lm0 can be easily calculated with the help of Kohlrausch's law.
For example, the value of Lm0 for acetic acid can be calculated from the knowledge of molar conductivities at infinite dilution of strong electrolytes like CH3COONa, HCl and NaCl as follows :

ii. Calculation of degree of dissociation of weak electrolytes
Molar conductivity of an electrolyte depends upon its degree of dissociation. Higher the degree of dissociation, higher is the molar conductivity. As dilution increases, the degree of dissociation of weak electrolyte also increases and consequently, molar conductivity of electrolyte increases. At infinite dilution molar conductivity becomes maximum because degree of dissociation approaches unity.
Thus, if

10. Calculate Lo for CaCl2 and MgSO4 from the given data :
l o (Ca2+) = 119.0 S cm2mol-1, l o (Cl-) = 76.3 S cm2mol-1. l o (Mg2+) = 106.0 S cm2mol-1 and l o (SO42-) = 160.0 S cm2mol-1.(NCRT 90)
11. Lo for NaCl, HCl and NaAc are 126.4, 425.9 and 91.0 S cm2mol-1 respectively. Calculate Lo for HAc.
12. At 250C the equivalent conductance of 0.001 M acetic acid is 49.5 ohm-1cm2equiv-1. The maximum value of equivalent conductance is 390 ohm-1cm2equiv-1. Calculate the degree of ionisation of 0.001 M acetic acid at 250C.
13. The molar conductivities at infinite dilution of HCl, NaCl and CH3COONa are 380.5, 109.0 and 78.5 ohm-1cm2mol-1 respectively. Calculate the molar conductivity at infinite dilution of acetic acid.
14. At 180C , the equivalent conductivities at infinite dilutions of NH4Cl, NaOH and NaCl are 129.8, 217.4 and 108.9 ohm-1cm2equiv-1 respectively. If the equivalent conductivity of 0.01 M solution of NH4OH is 9.33 ohm-1cm2equiv-1. Calculate the degree of dissociation of ammonium hydroxide at this dilution.
15. The molar conductivity at infinite dilution of Al2(SO4)3 is 858 S cm2mol-1, while that of sulphate ion is 160 S cm2mol-1. Calculate the value of ionic conductance of Al3+ ion.
16. Calculate Lm0 for NH4OH, given L m 0 for Ba(OH)2, BaCl2 and NH4Cl as 523.28, 280.0 and 129.8 S cm2mol-1 respectively.
17. The molar conductance of acetic acid at 298 K at concentrations of 0.1 M and 0.001 M are 5.20 and 49.2 S cm2mol-1 respectively. Calculate the degree of dissociation of acetic acid at these concentrations. Given l0(H+) and l0(CH3COO-) as 349.1 and 40.9S cm2mol-1.
18. The resistance of 0.01 M acetic acid solution when measured in a conductivity cell of cell constant 0.366 cm-1, is found to be 2220 ohm. Calculate the degree of dissociation of acetic acid at this concentration. Also find the dissociation constant of acetic acid. Given that the value of l0(H+) and l0(CH3COO- ) as 349.1 and 40.9 S cm2mol-1.
Galvanic cell is the device in which chemical energy is converted into electrical energy. It is also called electrochemical or voltaic cell. In a Galvanic cell, a redox reaction is carried out in an indirect manner and the decrease in free energy during the chemical process appears as electrical energy. An indirect redox reaction is such that reduction and oxidation processes are carried out in separate vessels. In order to understand this phenomenon, let us consider Zn-CuSO4 reaction as the basis of the cell reaction.
In its simple form, a zinc strip is dipped in the ZnSO4 solution and the copper strip is dipped in CuSO4 solution taken in separate beakers. The metallic strips which acts as electrodes are connected by conducting wire through a voltmeter. The two solutions are joined by an inverted U-tube known as salt bridge. The U-tube is filled with the solution of some electrolyte such as KCl, KNO3 or NH4Cl to which gelatin or agar-agar has been added to convert it into a semi-solid paste. A schematic diagram of this cell has been shown in Fig 3.

Fig 3. Electrochemical Cell.
The deflection of the voltmeter indicates that there is a potential difference between the two electrodes. It has been found that the conventional current flows through the outer circuit from copper to zinc strip. It implies that the electron flow occurs from zinc to copper strip. This cell converts the chemical energy liberated during the reaction Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) ® Zn2+ (aq) + Cu(s) to electrical energy and it has an electric potential equal to 1.1 V when activity (nearly equal to molarity) of Cu2 and Zn2+ ion is unity. Such a device is called galvanic cell or voltaic cell.
If an external opposite potential is applied [Fig a ] and increased slowly, we find that the reaction continues to take place till opposing voltage reaches the value 1.1 V [(Fig b] when the reaction stops altogether and current flows through the cell. Further increase in external potential now again starts the reaction but in opposite direction [Fig c] . It now functions as an electrolytic cell ; a device for using electrical energy to carry non-spontaneous chemical reactions. Both types of cells are quite important.

Fig (a) When Eext < 1.1 V
(i) Electrons flow from Zn to Cu rod and hence current flows from Cu to Zn.
(ii) Zn dissolves at anode and copper deposits at cathode.

Fig (b) When Eext = 1.1 V
(i) No flow of electrons or current.
(ii) No chemical reaction.

Fig (c) When Eext > 1.1 V
(i) Electrons flow from Cu to Zn current from Zn to Cu .
(ii) Zinc is deposited at the zinc electrode and copper dissolves at copper electrode.
Working of the cell
i) Zinc undergoes oxidation to form zinc ions.
Zn(s) ® Zn2+(aq) + 2 e- (oxidation)
ii) The electrons liberated during oxidation are pushed through
the connecting wires to copper strip.
iii) Copper ions move towards copper strip, pick up the electrons and get reduced to copper atoms which are deposited at the copper strip.
Cu2+(aq) + 2 e- ® Cu(s)
The electrode at which oxidation occurs is anode and that at which reduction occurs is cathode. In the above cell, zinc strip is anode and copper strip is cathode. Due to the oxidation process occurring at the anode it becomes a source of electrons and acquires a negative charge in the cell. Similarly, due to reduction process occurring at the cathode it acquire positive charge and becomes a receiver of the electrons. Thus in the electrochemical cell,
Anode constitutes - ve terminal and
Cathode constitutes + ve terminal.
Functions of Salt bridge
In the electrochemical cell a salt bridge serves two important functions.
i) It allows the flow of current by completing the circuit.
ii) It maintains electrical neutrality.
The transference of electrons from anode to cathode leads to a net positive charge around the anode due to increase in the concentration of cations and a net negative charge around the cathode due to deposition of positive ions at the cathode. The positive charge around the anode will prevent electrons to flow from it and the negative charge (due to excess of anions in solution) collected around the cathode will prevent the acceptance of electrons from the anode. The reaction, thus, stops and no current will flow. The salt bridge comes to aid and restores the electro-neutrality of the solutions in the two compartments. It contains a concentrated solution of an inert electrolyte the ions of which are not involved in electrochemical reactions. The anions of the electrolyte in the salt bridge migrates to the anode compartment and cations to the cathode compartment. Thus, the salt bridge prevents the accumulation of charges and maintains the flow of current.
Representations of Galvanic cells
Galvanic cell is a combination of two half-cells, viz., oxidation half-cell and reduction half-cell. If M represents the symbol of the element and Mn+ represents its cation in solution, then :
Oxidation half cell is represented as : M | M n+ (C)
Reduction half cell is represented as : Mn+(C)| M
In both notations, C represents the concentration of the ions in solution. Conventionally, a cell is represented by writing the cathode on the right hand side and anode on the left hand side. Two vertical lines are put between the two half-cells which indicate the salt bridge.
Examples :
Zn | Zn2+ || Cu2+ | Cu Net Cell reaction:
Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) ® Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)
Cu|Cu2+(1M) ||Ag+(1M) |Ag
Cu(s)+ 2 Ag+(aq) ® 2 Ag(s) + Cu2+(aq)
Ni|Ni2+(1M) ||Ag+(1M) |Ag
Ni(s) + 2 Ag+(aq) ® 2 Ag(s) + Ni2+(aq)
When a strip of metal (M) is brought in contact with the solution containing its own ions (Mn+), then either of the following three processes can take place :-
1) The metal ion Mn+ may collide with metallic strip and bounce back without any change.
ii) The metal ion Mn+ may collide with the strip , gain electrons and get converted into the metal atom i.e., the ion is reduced.
Mn+ + n e- ® M
iii) The metal atom on the strip loses 'n' electrons and enter the solution as Mn+ ion, i.e., metal is oxidised.
M ® Mn+ + n e-
The above changes have been shown in Fig 4.

Fig 4 Electrode equilibrium
If the metal has a relatively high tendency to get oxidised , its atoms would start losing electrons, change into positive ions and pass into the solution. The electrons lost accumulate in the metal strip and cause it to develop negative charge. The negative charge developed on the strip does not allow metal atoms to continue losing electrons, but it would re-attract the metal ions from the solution in an attempt to neutralise its charge. Ultimately, a state of equilibrium will be established between metal and its ions at the interface.

Similarly, if the metal ions have relatively greater tendency to get reduced , they will accept electrons from the metal strip and consequently, a net positive charge is developed on the metal strip. Ultimately, a similar equilibrium is established between the metal ions and metal atoms at the interface.

The equilibrium between the metal and its ions leads to the separation of charges. This results in a potential difference set up between the metal and solution of its ions is known as half Cell Electrode Potential. In fact, it is the measure of the tendency of an electrode in a half cell to lose or gain electrons.
According to the present convention, the half-cell reactions and their potentials are represented by reduction potentials. It may be noted that :
i) Reduction potential(tendency to gain electrons) and oxidation potential(tendency to lose electrons) of an electrode are numerically equal but have opposite signs.
ii) Reduction potential increases with increase in the concentration of the ions and decrease in concentration of the ions in solution.
iii) The reduction potential of the electrode, when the concentration of the ions in solution is 1 mol L-1 and temperature is 298 K is called standard reduction potential and is represented as Eored.
The electrochemical cell consists of two half-cells. The electrodes in these half-cells have different electrode potentials. When the circuit is completed the loss of electron occurs at the electrode having lower potentials, whereas the gain of electrons occurs at the electrode with higher reduction potential. The difference in the electrode potentials of the two electrodes of the cell is termed as electromotive force (EMF) or Cell voltage.
Mathematically, it can be expressed as :
EMF = ERed(cathode) - ERed(anode)
or simply as :
EMF = Ecathode - Eanode
Since in the representation of a cell, the cathode is written on the right hand side and the anode on the left hand side, therefore EMF of a cell is also sometimes written as :
EMF = ERight - ELeft
EMF of the cell may be defined as the potential difference between the two terminals of the cell when either no or very little current is drawn from it. It is measured with the help of a potentiometer or vaccum tube voltmeter.
Absolute value of electrode potential of an electrode cannot be determined because a half-cell by itself cannot cause the movement of charges(flow of electrons). It is due to the fact that once equilibrium is reached between the electrode and solution in a half cell , no further displacement of charges can occur unless and until it is connected to another half cell with different electrode potential. This difficulty is overcome by finding the electrode potentials of various electrodes relative to reference electrode whose electrode potential is arbitrarily fixed. The common reference electrode used for this purpose is Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE) or Normal Hydrogen Electrode (NHE), whose electrode potential is arbitrarily taken to be zero.
Normal hydrogen electrode consists of a platinum wire sealed into a glass tube carrying a platinum foil at one end. The platinum foil is coated with finely divided platinum. The electrode is placed in a beaker containing H+ ions. Hydrogen gas at 1 atmosphere pressure is continuously bubbled through the solution at temperature of 298 K. The oxidation or reduction in the NHE takes place at the platinum foil. Hence it can act as anode as well as cathode and may be represented as :
Pt, ½ H2 (1atm)½H+(1M) or
H+(1M) ½ ½ H2 (1atm), Pt respectively.
If NHE acts as anode, then oxidation will take place at it as :
H2(g) ⇌ 2 H+(aq) + 2 e-
If NHE acts as cathode then reduction will take place at it as
2 H+(aq) + 2 e- ⇌ H2(g)

Fig 5 The normal hydrogen electrode
The electrode potentials of other electrodes are determined by coupling them with NHE. The electrode potential of an electrode determined relative to the standard hydrogen electrode under standard conditions is called standard Electrode Potential. It is represented by E0. The standard conditions are 1M concentration of ions at 298 K temperature and 1 atmospheric pressure.
Measurement of Standard Electrode Potentials
In order to find the standard electrode potential of an electrode, the electrode in the standard conditions is connected to normal hydrogen electrode to constitute a cell. The potential difference between the electrodes is determined with the help of potentiometer or vaccum tube voltmeter.
E0cell = E0cathode - E0anode
Knowing E0cell, and the electrode potential of one of the electrode(NHE) that of the other can be calculated.
For example, in order to find out the standard electrode potential of zinc electrode containing 1M concentration of Zn2+ ions , it is connected to NHE (Fig 6) .

Fig 6 Measurement of standard electrode potential
of Zinc electrode
The voltmeter reading shows the potential difference (E0cell) of 0.76 V. The electron flow is found to be from zinc electrode to NHE. From this, it follows that, Zn acts as anode while NHE acts as cathode. The net cell reaction is :
Zn(s) + 2 H+(aq) ® Zn2+(aq) + H2(g)
Now, E0cell = E0cathode - E0anode
0.76V = E0 H+ / ½ H2 - E0Zn2+/Zn
= 0 - E0Zn2+/Zn
EoZn2+/ Zn = - 0.76 V
When standard copper electrode is coupled with NHE (Fig 7) the voltmeter reading shows a potential difference (E0cell)of 0.34 V. The electron flow is found to occur from NHE towards copper electrode. Therefore NHE in this cell acts as anode and copper electrode acts as cathode.

Fig 7 Measurement of Standard electrode
potential of Cu electrode
The cell reaction is :
Cu2+(aq) + H2(g)® Cu(s) + 2 H+(aq)
E0cell = E0cathode - E0anode
E0cell = E0Cu2+/Cu - E0H+/ ½ H2
0.34V = E0Cu2+ / Cu - 0
E0Cu2+/Cu = 0.34 V
The reduction potentials of other electrodes including metals as well as non-metals can be determined in a similar way. For example, the standard electrode potential of chlorine can be determined by using electrode consisting of chlorine gas at one atmospheric pressure and 298 K in equilibrium with 1 M solution of chloride ions. For metals of variable valence, the redox potential of one ion in equilibrium with other ion of different charge can also be determined. For example, redox potential of Fe3+(aq), Fe2+(aq)|Pt can be determined by using the cell,
Pt, ½ H2(g) ½H+(1M)║Fe3+(1M),Fe2+(1 M) ½Pt
It is not always convenient to use NHE electrode as a reference electrode because of the following difficulties.
i) Unity concentration of H+ ions is difficult to be maintained.
ii) 1 atmospheric pressure of H2 gas cannot be maintained
iii) The hydrogen electrode gets poisoned even if traces of
impurities are present.
To overcome these difficulties some other electrodes like calomel electrode or silver-silver chloride are used as reference electrodes. The standard electrode potentials of these electrodes are given below :
i) Calomel electrode : Hg-Hg2Cl2| KCl(aq) : ERED= 0.2422V
ii) Silver-Silver chloride electrode :
Ag-AgCl(s) | KCl(aq) : ERED= 0.2225V
This is a list in which some half-cell reactions and their reduction potentials are properly arranged in the increasing order from top to bottom. The electrochemical series is also called activity series. The table is so arranged that oxidising agents are listed in the increasing order of their strength and reduction potential. The electrochemical series is given in the following Table.
Applications of Electrochemical series
The applications of the electrochemical series are given below
1. Relative strengths of oxidising agents
With the help of the series , we can predict the relative oxidising or reducing strengths of substances. In the electrochemical series the substances are arranged in the increasing order of reduction potentials, i.e., increasing tendency for reduction to occur or as power as oxidising agent or decreasing tendency for oxidation to occur or power as reducing agent. For example, zinc comes above iron in the table and has less reduction potential and therefore, zinc is stronger reducing agent than iron. But copper comes below iron in the table and has more reduction potential and therefore iron is stronger reducing agent than copper or copper is stronger oxidising agent than iron. Thus, the substances which have lower reduction potentials are stronger reducing agents while those which have higher reduction potentials are stronger oxidising agents.
Standard Reduction Electrode Potentials at 298 K

2. Calculation of the E.M.F of the cell
The E.M.F of the cell which is the difference between the reduction potential of the cathode and anode and is determined by the following steps:
Step I : Write the two half-cell reactions in such a way that the reaction taking place at the left hand electrode is written as an oxidation reaction and that taking place at the right electrode is written as reduction.
Step II : Multiplying one of the equations if necessary by suitable number to equate the number of electrons in the two equations. However, it may be noted that electrode potential, E0 are not multiplied.
Step III : The E.M.F. of the cell (E0cell )is equal to the difference between the standard reduction potential of the right electrode (E0R ) and standard electrode potential of the left electrode (E0L ). Thus,
E0cell = E0R - E0L
Step IV : If the E.M.F of the cell is +ve, the reaction is feasible in the given direction. But if E.M.F of the cell is - ve, the cell reaction is not feasible in the given direction. The reaction must be occurring in the reverse direction.
3. Predicting the feasibility of a redox reaction
The electrochemical series helps in finding out whether a given redox reaction is feasible or not in the given direction from the E0 values of the two electrodes. In general , a redox reaction is feasible only if the species that has higher reduction potential is reduced i.e., accepts electrons and the species which has lower reduction potential is oxidised, i.e., loses the electrons. Otherwise, a redox reaction is not feasible. In other words, the species to release electrons must have lower reduction potential as compared to the species which is to accept electrons.
Consider the redox reaction :
Cu2+(aq) + 2 Ag(s) ® Cu(s) + 2 Ag+(aq)
E0 value of Cu = +0.34 V and E0 value of Ag=+0.80 V. Since the reduction potential of Ag is more than that of Cu, this means that silver has greater tendency to get reduced in comparison to copper. Thus, the reaction
Ag+(aq) + e- ® Ag(s)
occurs more readily than the reaction :
Cu2+(aq) + 2 e- ® Cu(s)
Similarly, since the reduction potential of copper is less than that of Ag, this means that copper will be oxidised in comparison to Ag. Thus, the reaction:
Cu(s) ® Cu2+(aq) + 2 e-
occurs more readily than
Ag(s) ® Ag+ + e-
Therefore , silver will be reduced and copper will be oxidised and the above reaction is not feasible. Rather the reverse reaction:
Cu(s) + Ag+(aq) ® Cu2+(aq) + 2 Ag(s)
can occur.
4. To Predict whether a metal can liberate hydrogen from acid or not
The electrochemical series can also be used to predict whether a metal can liberate hydrogen from acid or not. While the metals like zinc, magnesium and nickel can liberate hydrogen from acids like HCl, H2SO4 etc. metals like copper and silver cannot do so. In general, only those metals can liberate hydrogen from the acid which have negative values of reduction potentials i.e., - E0 values.
M ® M+(aq) + e-
H+(aq) + e- ® ½ H2
19. What happens when, if copper sulphate solution is stored in a zinc vessel and why ?
20. Can 1 M solution of Ferrous sulphate be stored in a nickel vessel ?
21. Standard reduction potentials E0 for the electrode reaction in water at 298 K for a few systems are given below :
Electrode E0 (volts)
Zn2+; Zn -0.76
Cu2+; Cu +0.34
Ag+; Ag +0.80
From the data , calculate the standard cell potentials
for the following galvanic cells.
i) Zn½ Zn2+(1M)½½ Cu2+ (1M)½Cu
ii) Ag½ Ag+(1M)½½ Cu2+ (1M)½Cu
22. Using standard electrode potentials , predict the reactions, if any, that occurs between the following :
a) Fe3+(aq) and I-(aq)
b) Ag+(aq) and Cu(s)
c) Fe2+(aq) and Br20 (aq)
d) Ag(s) and Fe3+(aq)
e) Br-(aq) and Fe3+(aq)
23. Arrange the following metals in the order in which they displace each other from their salt solutions. Al, Cu, Fe, Mg, Zn.
24. Electrode potentials of the metals in their respective solutions are provided. Arrange them in their increasing order of reducing power :
K+½K = -2.93 V : Ag+½Ag= +0.80 V
Hg+½Hg = +0.79 V : Mg2+½Mg = -2.37 V
Cr3+½Cr = -0.74 V
28. The following reaction :
Zn(s) + Co2+(aq) ® Zn2+(aq) + Co(s)
occurs in a cell. Write the electrode reactions and
compute the standard E.M.F of the cell. Given that :
E0 Zn ®Zn2+ = 0.76 V.
E0 Co ®Co2+ = 0.28 V
29. Depict the electrochemical cell in which the reaction is
Zn(s) + 2 Ag+(aq) ® Zn2+(aq) + 2 Ag(s)
Also show :
a) Cathode and anode reactions.
b) Movement of ions and electrons.
c) electrode reactions.
30. Calculate standard cell potentials of Galvanic cells in which reactions are as follows :
a) 2 Cr(s) +3 Cd2+(aq) ® 2Cr3+(aq) + 3 Cd(s)
b) Fe2+(aq) + Ag+(aq) ® Fe3+(aq) + Ag(s)
31. The Zinc/silver oxide cell is used in hearing aids and electronic watches.
Zn ® Zn2+ + 2 e- : E0= 0.76V
Ag2O + H2O + 2 e-® 2 Ag + 2 OH- : E0=0.344 V
a) What is oxidised and reduced ?
b) Find E0of the cell and DG in Joules.
32. Predict the products of electrolysis of each of the following :
(i) An aqueous solution of AgNO3 with silver electrodes.
(ii) An aqueous solution of AgNO3 with inert electrodes.
(iii) A dilute aqueous solution of H2SO4.
(iv) An aqueous acidified solution of cupric chloride using platinum electrodes.
The tendency of metal to lose electrons or tendency of its ions to gain electrons depends upon the concentration of the ions in solution. The tendency to lose or gain electrons is expressed in terms of electrode potentials. The value of electrode potential therefore changes with the variation in the concentration of the ions. The quantitative relationship between the concentration of ions and electrode potentials is given by Nernst Equation. For a general electrode reaction:
Mn+ + n e- ® M
the Nernst equation can be written as :

Substituting the values of R ( = 8.314 J K-1 mol-1),
T ( = 298 K) and F ( = 96,500 C) , the Nernst equation at 298 K becomes :

In general for any electrode:

It may be noted that the concentration of solid phase is taken to be unity.
Calculation of cell potential using Nernst equation
Consider a Daniel cell in which the concentration of the two solution may not be 1M. The cell is :
Zn(s) | Zn2+(aq) || Cu2+(aq) | Cu(s)
The E.M.F of the cell is :
Ecell = E(Cu2+|Cu) - E(Zn2+|Zn) …….. (2)
The electrode potential for the two electrodes can be calculated by using Nernst Equation as :

Substituting these values in Equation (2) we get :


and the concentrations of solids is taken as unity so that [Zn(s)] = 1 ; [Cu(s)] = 1.

At 298 K,

In the Daniel cell, the valencies of zinc and copper are the same, i.e., n = 2.
Consider an example in which the valencies of the two metals used in two half-cells are not the same.
Consider the cell:
Cu|Cu2+(aq) ||Ag+(aq) |Ag
The E.M.F of the cell :
Ecell = Ecathode - Eanode ………(3)
During the reaction, two electrons are released by one copper atom but one electron is accepted by Ag+ according to the reaction :
Cu(s) ® Cu2+(aq) + 2 e- ( oxidation half cell)
Ag+(aq) + e- ® Ag(s) (reduction half cell)
To balance the loss and gain of electrons, the reduction half-cell is multiplied by 2, so that the net reactions are :
Cu(s) ® Cu2+(aq) + 2 e-
2 Ag+(aq) + 2 e- ® 2 Ag(s)
The electrode potential of two electrodes may be written according to Nernst equation as :

Where E0(Ag+IAg) remain unchanged.
Substituting in Equation(3), we get :

In general , for an electrochemical cell reaction :

The Nernst Equation may be written as :

at 298 K.
The values of a, b,c, d and n are obtained from the balanced cell reactions.
Concentration Cell
A cell in which both electrodes are of the same type but solutions of electrolyte in which they dip have different concentrations is called concentration cell. For example, in the concentration cell [Fig] :
Cu½CuSO4(C1) ½½ CuSO4(C2)½Cu
The standard potentials of the two electrodes will cancel and the cell potential is given by :

A copper ion concentration cell
33. Calculate the E.M.F of the cell in which the reaction is :
Mg(s) + 2 Ag+(aq) ® Mg2+(aq) + 2 Ag(s)
when [Mg2+] = 0.13M and [Ag+] = 1.0 x 10-4 M
34. Write Nernst equation and calculate the E.M.F of the following cells at 298 K.
i) Mg(s)½ Mg2+(0.001M)½½ Cu2+ (0.0001M)½Cu(s)
ii) Fe(s)½ Fe2+(0.001M)½½ H+ (1M) H2(1atm),Pt
iii) Sn(s)½ Sn2+(0.050M)½½ H+ (0.02M) H2(1atm),Pt
35. A Galvanic cell consists of a metallic zinc plate immersed in 0.1 M Zn(NO3)2 solution and a metallic plate of lead in 0.02 M Pb(NO3)2 solution. Calculate the E.M.F of the cell. Write equations for cell reactions and represent the cell.
Nernst equation and Equilibrium constant
The Galvanic cell does not continue working indefinitely and stops working after some time. In fact as the cell reaction progresses, there is a fall in concentration of cations around cathode due to reduction and at the same time there is an increase in the concentration of the metal cations around the anode due to oxidation. Consequently, electrode potential of cathode decreases and that of the anode increases with passage of time. Ultimately, a stage is reached when potential difference (Ecathode - Eanode) becomes zero and there is no flow of electrons. For example
in a cell :
Zn½ Zn2+(aq)½½ Cu2+ (aq)½Cu
the flow of electrons from zinc to copper stops when EZn2+/Zn becomes equal to E Cu2+ /Cu. In this situation the concentration of Zn2+(aq) and that of Cu2+(aq) will be equilibrium concentrations because the cell reaction attains equilibrium:
Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) == Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)
Considering the concentration of Zn(s) and Cu(s) to be unity, the equilibrium constant for the above reaction KC is given by :

Applying Nernst equation for cell potentials :

Since Ecell at equilibrium is zero,

Significance of Kc
The value of Kc gives the extent of the cell reaction. For example, the value of Kc for Zn-CuSO4 cell at 298 K is 2 x 1037, which shows that the reaction has proceeded to completion.
Electrochemical cell and Gibb’s energy of the Reaction
A Galvanic cell is a source of electrical energy which can be used for different kinds of work. Unlike heat energy, electrical energy can be quantitatively converted into work. The electrical work or electrical energy is equal to the product of E.M.F of the cell and the electrical charge that flows through the external wire. It may be put as :
WEle = (EMF) x (Electrical charge flowing through the wire)
If n is the number of moles of electrons flowing through the wire and F is 1 Faraday of electricity , then,
Charge flowing through the wire = n F
If Ecell is the EMF of the cell, then
WEle = n F Ecell.
But the Gibb’s energy change (DG) for a process occurring at constant T and P is the measure of useful work that can be obtained. Mathematically,
DG = Wnon-expansion.
For electrical systems, Wnon-expansion can be written as WElect, because work involved is electrical work . In electrochemical cells the work is done by the system and by conventions it is taken to be negative. Thus , electrical work performed by the cell can be written as - WElect.
Now equating Gibb’s energy change(DG) to electrrical work done by the cell(- WElect), we have
DG = - WElect = - n F Ecell
For the sake of comparison, standard cell potentials are used. Therefore, standard Gibb’s energy change is given by :
DG0 = - n F E0cell
Significance of the above equation lies in the fact that it can help in predicting the feasibility of the cell reaction. For cell reaction to be spontaneous, DG must be negative, and for DG to be negative, the value of E must be positive.
36. For the Cell
Ni(s)½ Ni2+(aq)½½ Ag+ (aq)½Ag(s)
Calculate the equilibrium constant at 250C. How much
maximum work would be obtained by the operation of
the cell ?
37. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the following
reaction :
Cu(s)+ 2 Ag+(aq) ® 2 Ag(s) + Cu2+(aq)
; E0cell = 0.46 V
38. Write Nernst Equation for the reaction :
Cu(s)+ 2 Ag+(aq) ® 2 Ag(s) + Cu2+(aq)
when it takes place in a Daniel cell.
39. The standard electrode potential for Daniel cell is 1.10 V. Calculate the Gibb’s energy for the reaction :
Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) ® Zn2+ (aq) + Cu(s)
Some commercial cells or batteries
Any cell or battery that we employ as a source of electrical energy is basically an electrochemical cell. The term battery
is used to represent the arrangement of two or more galvanic cells connected in series. Theoretically, the basis of the electrochemical cell is any of redox reactions. However, in practice, the redox reaction used should give an arrangement which fulfills the following requirements :
i) It should be light and compact.
ii) Its voltage should not vary appreciably during its use.
iii) It should provide power for a longer period and
iv) It should be rechargeable.
The Galvanic cells can be broadly classified into two categories, viz.,Primary cells and Secondary Cells.
This type of cells become dead over a period of time and the chemical reaction stops. They cannot be recharged or used again. Some common examples are dry cell, mercury cell, etc.
a) Dry Cell
It is a compact form of Leclanche cell
known after its discoverer. In this cell, the anode consists of a zinc container and cathode is a graphite rod surrounded by powdered MnO2 and carbon . The space between the electrodes is filled with a moist paste of NH4Cl and ZnCl2.

Fig 8 A Dry Cell
The electrode reactions are complex, but they can be written approximately as follows :
Anode : Zn(s) ® Zn2+ + 2 e-
Cathode : MnO2 + NH4+ + e-® MnO(OH) + NH3
(Oxidation state of Mn changes from +4 to +3)
In the cathode reaction, manganese is reduced from +4 oxidation state to +3 state. Ammonia is not liberated as a gas, but combines with Zn2+ to form[ Zn(NH3)4]2+ ion. Dry cells do not have an indefinite life as acidic NH4Cl corrodes the zinc container even when not in use. Dry cells have a potential of approximately 1.25 to 1.5 V.
b) Mercury cells
It is a miniature cell which has found use in small electrical circuits(such as hearing aides, watches and camera). In mercury cell , the anode is zinc-mercury amalgam and cathode is a paste of HgO and carbon. The electrolyte is a paste of KOH and ZnO.

Commonly used mercury cell. The reducing agent is zinc and oxidising agent is mercury (II) oxide.
The reaction of the cell is as follows :
Anode : Zn(Hg) + 2 OH-® ZnO(s) + H2O(ℓ) + 2e-
Cathode: HgO(s) + H2O + 2e- ® Hg(ℓ) + 2OH-
Overall reaction : Zn(Hg) + HgO(s) ® ZnO(s) + Hg(ℓ)
The cell potential is approximately 1.35 V and remains constant during its life time as the overall reaction does not involve any ion in solution whose concentration can change during its life time.
2. Secondary cells
This type of cells can be recharged by passing direct current through them and can be used again and again. Some examples are lead storage battery, nickel-cadmium storage cell, etc.
This is the most commonly used battery in automobiles. Each battery consists of a number of voltaic cells connected in series. Three to six such cells are generally combined to get 6 to 12 volt battery. In each cell , the anode is a grid of lead packed with finely divided spongy lead and the cathode is a grid of lead packed with PbO2. The electrolyte is an aqueous solution of sulphuric acid(38% by mass) having a density 1.30 g ml-1.sulphuric acid.

Fig 9 . Lead Storage Battery
The following reactions take place in the lead storage cell :
At anode : The lead loses two electrons and is oxidised to Pb2+ ions.
Pb(s) ® Pb2+(aq) + 2e-
Pb2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) ® PbSO4(s)
The overall anode reaction may be written as :
Pb(s) + SO42-(aq) ® PbSO4(s) + 2e-
At cathode: The PbO2 is reduced as :
PbO2 (s)+ 4 H+ + 2e- ® Pb2+(aq) + 2 H2O
Pb2+(aq) + SO42- ® PbSO4(s)
The overall reaction is :
PbO2 (s)+ 4 H+ + SO42-+ 2e- ® PbSO4(s) + 2 H2O
Thus, the complete electrode reactions and overall cell reaction are :
Anode : Pb (s) + SO42-(aq) ® PbSO4(s) + 2e-
Cathode : PbO2(s) +4 H+ +SO42-+ 2e- ® PbSO4(s) + 2 H2O
Overall : Pb(s) + PbO2 (s)+2 H2SO4 ® 2PbSO4(s) +2H2O
he cell may be represented as :
Pb(s)½ H2SO4(aq) ½PbO2 ½Pb
It is clear from the above reactions that during the working of the cell, PbSO4 is formed at each electrode and sulphuric acid is used up. As a result, the concentration of H2SO4 decreases and the density of the solution also decreases. When the density of H2SO4 falls below 1.2gml-1 the battery needs recharging.
Recharging the battery
The cell can be charged by passing electric current of a suitable voltage in the opposite direction. The electrode reaction gets reversed. As a result , the flow of electrons get reversed and lead is deposited on anode and PbO2 on the cathode. The density of sulphuric acid also increases. This reaction may be written as :
2 PbSO4(s) + 2 H2O(ℓ) ® Pb(s) + PbO2(s) + 2 H2SO4
b) Nickel-cadmium storage cells
Nickel-cadmium cell is an important secondary cell which has longer life than the lead storage cell but more expensive to manufacture.

A rechargable nickel-cadmium cell in a jelly roll arrangement and separated by a layer soaked in moist sodium or potassium hydroxide.
It consists of a cadmium anode and the cathode is comprised of a metal grid containing nickel(IV) oxide. These are immersed in KOH solution. The reaction occurring are :
Anode : Cd(s) +2 OH-(aq) ® Cd(OH)2(s) + 2 e-
Cathode: NiO2(s)+2 H2O(l)+2e-® Ni(OH)2(s) + 2 OH-(aq)
Net: Cd(s) + NiO2(s) + 2H2O(ℓl) ® Cd(OH)2(s)+ Ni(OH)2(s)
The cell is also called nicad cell and has voltage = 1.4 V.
As is evident that , there are no gaseous products , the product formed adhere to the electrodes and can be reconverted by charging process. The cell is becoming more popular and finds use in electronic watches and calculators.
In recent years , scientists have designed the cells which convert chemical energy of a fuel directly into electrical energy. Such cells are called fuel cells. These are voltaic cells in which the fuels such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide etc are used to generate electrical energy without the intervention of thermal devices like boiler, turbines, etc.
The conventional method is the conversion of chemical energy of a fuel to liberate heat. The heat energy so produced is used to generate steam for spinning the turbines which are coupled to electrical generators.
Fuel cells are designed in such a way that the materials to be oxidised and reduced at the electrodes are stored outside the cell and are constantly supplied to the electrodes. One of the most successful fuel cell uses the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to form water and is known as H2 - O2 Fuel Cell. The cell was used for providing electrical power in Appolo space programme . The water vapours produced during the reaction were condensed and added to drinking water supply for astronauts.The experimental arrangement is shown in Fig10.
The cell consists of porous carbon electrodes which are impregnated with catalyst (Pt, Ag or CoO).

Fuel cell using H2 and O2 produces electricity
Hydrogen and oxygen are bubbled through the electrodes into electrolyte which is an aqueous solution of NaOH or KOH .
The electrode reactions are :
Anode : [ H2(g) + 2 OH-(aq) ® 2 H2O(ℓ) + 2 e-] x 2
Cathode : O2(g) + 2 H2O( ℓ ) +4 e-® 4 OH-(aq)
Net reaction : 2 H2(g) + O2(g) ® 2 H2O(ℓ)
The cell runs continuously as long as the gases hydrogen and oxygen are supplied at the temperature 525 K and 50 atm. pressure.
Advantages of Fuel cells
Some important advantages of fuel cells are given below :
1) Pollution free working : There is no harmful or objectionable products formed in fuel cells. Hence they do not make any pollution problems.
2) High efficiency : The efficiency of fuel cells is approximately 70 - 75 % , which is much higher than the conventional cells.
3) Continuous source of energy : Unlike conventional batteries, energy can be obtained from the fuel cell continuously so long as the supply of fuel is maintained.